Sunday, June 28, 2009

Automatic Blunt Rolling Machine

I had not had time to write anything before.
I'm so sorry the death of Michael Jackson, was a great artists, too bad that her multiple physical changes (innecesari, at certain times it was really cool) and some rumors have damaged its image.


Saturday, June 20, 2009

Ontario Tax On A Boat

Cultural Differences Spain-Italy Nervi

is often said that the English and Italians are very similar. Instead, there are differences oalcune surprise and impact. To me, to take by surprise today and in theory to some things I should already be accustomed to.

Maybe the most notable difference is the usual way of greeting in one country to another, given that Spain is the most typical:

Girls: two kisses on the cheeks, regardless of whether the other person is a boy or a girl.

Children: two kisses on the cheeks, a shake of hands for the boys.

And the kisses are given from left to right. In Italy, however, give you kisses, usually from right to left, and also takes place in a different way: I give you two kisses between persons of the same sex. Between boys and girls a shake of hands. In fact, I already knew that the last Once I went to Milan, and instead, when a friend of mine introduced me to two of his friends and I have shaken his hand, was normal for them, but I was a bit cold, even though I knew it was before you go.

Another difference can be seen per hour of drinking a coffee. Normally, we Spaniards, when we ask for a coffee, and that's all we ask. The Italians also ask for a glass of water. And not only with coffee but also with food. It surprised me a lot in his time, and I asked a friend. He told me this:

"In ancient times, in fact you already brought the glass of water with the coffee. Now you pay separately. However, with normally bring you a coffee biscuit. So, before you eat the cookie after you drink a glass of water to clean the remnants of the taste, and then you drink the coffee. The coffee should taste it without having the remains of other flavors in the mouth. "

The explanation has its logic, even though I was surprised. I never thought of.

The times are different. In fact, times of Spaniards are strange to most of the rest of the Europeans. The Italians usually eat between eleven and a half and one and a half, and dine between seven and nine. We, however, eat between one and a half three, and we have dinner between ten and twelve ...

Finally, another major cultural difference is the language enough Hilights gesture. In reality, we all sometimes communicate with gestures. But in Italy, during the period prior to unification, in which each had its own language, the language and gestures developed much nowadays continues to be a very large vocabulary.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Cost To Register A Boat Trailer In Ontario

Status: thoughtful
Song: Gamba de Wood-Ciapasala no

Hello everyone, today I decided to write back, miss the exams inlese Monday and Thursday, but now I have much more time for there are no more lessons. Chinese exams went well, although the day I found myself at the head of the oral study (which is quite playful, and as I said before, gave me a lesson) And I asked if it was me who was doing casino (Yes, of course, chiedeglielo to one that is too quiet ...: D) Patience.

In these days I was a bit 'down in the dumps because I know nothing at work. I tried calling and nothing. No answer. And missing a month. Apparently this I despair. Truly, are already beginning to think of staying at home, but I realize that I must go, yes or yes. Understood that to happen. Unfounded, the worst thing that can happen is that I demigods go to the consulate and ask for a return ticket ... And I hope I do not get to those limits ...

For another part, in the last week I think I had a kind of lightning strike Virtual Boy Milan, the most curious thing is that it seems to be mutual ... Really surprised me a lot, and it seems that I have surprised him. By the way, indipidentemente of this, it was a little Impressions because it says that it seems to be enough comprommessa with politics ... Well, actually, I am interested in more recent years ... And my thoughts were always the same ... More or less. The most curious thing is that with respect to Italy, some people are very clear in their ideas, they knew that people (at least virtually) the political world. Mayors, councilors and candidates. Well ... o_O

At least they called me ONCE for a course of Braille. In fact they have an obligation of teaching, but since there are few volunteers in Vigo, this can be arranged in any specific period of time: D