Sunday, October 31, 2010

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Walk The Line ..

-Lyric Ligabue: my thoughts

I want to escape.

I look at the roof above me, the walls that close to my hips. I feel the pressure that strikes me the head. I take my house keys, but leave behind the phones. I bring with me some money and the card bus. I go out, without saying goodbye, but not knowing where your feet take me. Way, calmly. The rain begins to fall on me. I open the umbrella and continue step by step. I hear the noise of the storm. But no matter. Are no longer a child, and I'm not afraid of the storm. The water falls hard, and every so often, the machines beat the water against my feet. I do not feel fatigue, luckily I put on your walking shoes. Even if you feel the cold.

But it's as if you were near me. It is as if camminassemo man's hand. Riffletto guess your eyes on my eyes. And sigh. I smile, and I conmuovo. A few tear drops on my face, and I realize that I wish you were here.

For a second, I caress my dreams Milan, and my heart beats fast. Even if you're away. But I feel you. The rain falls hard, and I see the city, slightly flooded. Perhaps they are the ups and downs that make the water flow. As the climbs that I am to meet my dreams and my destiny.

I smile when I think that you made me touch the sky with just your words. With your patience. Because you know me. I do not know how you did it, but you know me. You know what goes through my head, even when I'm wrong. Maybe because you're sincere. And no one has gone before. Perhaps because it really speaks to your heart. And sometimes dreams just melts your soul with mine and I realize I do not exist I, nor you. It is as if we were part of a single emotion.

For a moment the rain stops, to start to fall with more force. The wind also makes his jokes and tries to ruin the umbrella, but he can not. So, I remember when I walked over the snow with my sandals. This is nothing. The rain, wind and the storm took me a lifetime. Even if they say that after the storm, they arrive calm. And I wait. Though often, people waiting to pass my storm is you. Why are you like the sun that warms the heart and dry the tears.

Yes, 2000 km are nothing. Only three hours. But I still have to find ways of dealing with 2000 km. And perhaps also the strength to remember that always gave me back my life.

and sighed.

and three-hour journey, with a storm that comes and goes ... and arrived at the beach. There no, just some person who's walking with the dog. There are seven miles of home. The darkness of a special color to the sea and the sky. The wind blows the sand hit my face. But I do not feel it. Because there is you.

touch the sea with my hands. It seems strange to see the beach so empty. What is so full of summer ...
I wish you were here.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Mount And Blade Unit Stats

medieval place of worship in Liguria 1

The old church of the Holy Savior in Ripalta Ortara
Jonathan Ferroni

Ripalta is a tiny country of twenty-five souls on the site top of a hill is a watershed between the Val di Vara, where the detritus of the river formed the small flat on which stand Brugnato Borghetto Vara, and the valleys of the river Cassana.
the history of this town not much is known: it is was founded before the year thousand, probably in the first half of the tenth century and, probably, its inhabitants have subsequently founded Borghetto, in the bed of the stream. On top of the hill there was a major castrum, already owned by the Fieschi and Malaspina, which has lost almost all traces, except for some dry wall, now reduced to a vague memory and oral calcium.
However, the village sits on a vital crossroads of two ancient roads. That, in EW direction, connecting the Gulf of La Spezia with the passage of the arm and the Genoese and the in NS direction, connecting the mouth of Bardellone - and then Levanto and the Cinque Terre Bonassola - abreast of the Casoni and from there, to Parma and Piacenza.
latter was very popular since pre-Roman times to the early 900, as was one of the most important shopping streets inland from the sea (salt, oil, wine, etc.).. In addition, this ancient road winds through some of the most important prehistoric anthropogenic Val di Vara: castellaro of the Bardellone, castellaro of the sprocket and to Cassana, passing through the Val Marveia, place of occurrence of petroglyphs and rock work, for arrive, finally, in the area of \u200b\u200bMount Dragnone Zignago, famous for finding homonym statue-stele and important for the presence of a fortification and a sanctuary.
had, therefore, be a significant route for prehistoric peoples, whose descendants in historical times have slowly turned the rock villages and castles in populous towns and large castles that have seen the peak in the Middle Ages, such as the castle of Celasco, which has recently been located on the summit of Mount Bardellone, nearby the homonym prehistoric settlement (1).
As for the other path, it is the ancient Via Romea from the Genoa area, through the pass of Bracco, probably was connected with the Francigena in Val di Magra. However, the path traced Romanesque, at least in part, a likely route much older, which was the main route from the Gulf to the mountains, along the natural course of Vara.
Well, Ripalta is situated midway between these two prehistoric routes that, although it is too risky to assume the presence of a fortification on which the settlement would then be developed castrense , given the total absence of archaeological data, it seems still makes sense to assume that the original appropriation of the village is not high-medieval but pre-Roman era.
A reinforcement of this view, survives among the inhabitants of Ripalta tradition that before the church of St. Nicholas, built in the fourteenth century on an earlier Romanesque building, there was another church, built in ancient times, around which there were events "miraculous".
We are talking about the church of the Holy Savior of Ortara, located just down the street Romeo as we discussed before, halfway between Ripalta Boccapignone and not far from the junction down to Memola.
The tradition speaks of a religious building, with adjoining home, built in ancient times by some monks to celebrate the Marian apparition occurred in the surrounding forest of chestnut trees. A painting depicting the Madonna and Child seated on a chestnut, was just inside the church. This building existed until 1752 when, during a flood resulting in a memorable flooding of the Vara, was dragged downstream along with tons of land because of heavy rains.
But it's over. Traditions tell other more recent apparitions of the Madonna, which took place almost thirty years after the destruction of the shrine dedicated to her.
In this case, it appeared to some shepherds Padivarma (as the best witness to a supernatural truth?) In front of the ruins of the church where they were grazing a small herd.
The appearance, which is also repeated on Wednesday saint of 1779 was also witnessed in other circumstances by a young couple who were driving along the road towards romea Ripalta.
Just in 1779, so you decide to rebuild the shrine and, during construction, the Virgin appears again in carpenters to break for lunch (2).
Currently, the building no longer exists. We do not know under what circumstances has been destroyed, although the oral memory just to mention a new flood in an unspecified time.
This whole story is very important to reconstruct, through the only oral source, what could have been the ancient shrine and therefore suggest pre-Roman origins of the village of Ripalta. Now we will explain how.
First, the tradition speaks of a very ancient church, built in an era remote that you do not know anything about this first and because it is already significant in itself because it puts the recognition of the sacredness of place at a time so far as to be unknown even to the legend.
You can imagine, even if it is just a guess, that this time be at least pre-medieval.
also told that the monks built the building in honor of the Madonna del Castagno was to have appeared repeatedly in that place, to convince them that the will of the Virgin was to be venerated at that precise point.
Furthermore, it was a novelty. Several legends of Trustees of Marian shrines show very similar stories: the Madonna appears twice, three times in the same place and people must understand that building a church in his honor.
Not only that, the painting of the Virgin is placed (or found) in situ is recurrent in the legends of apparitions. Fulcrum, for example, the history of the sanctuary of oak, with the needle, which will be discussed later.
In addition, the Madonna is linked, both in the painting that appeared in the chestnut. This last observation allows us to interpret the other.
the chestnut, in fact, as well as other trees, was considered sacred by prehistoric populations Ligurian (3), as well as by the Celts who, as noted, had a special relationship with the Ligurian, never very clear, parallel or cultural influence. Probably both. The fact is that
Cassana, an ancient village which is less than a mile from Ripalta must, in all probability, his own name to the Celtic cassanus , meaning oak, indicating, along with many engravings and bas-reliefs in common theme the Val di Vara, the extreme importance of the tree in ancient symbolism.
is more than possible, then, that in the woods, near a major path of antiquity, is a chestnut (or a forest of chestnut trees) held sacred in prehistoric times and it is quite plausible that this place has been desecrated in a period of Christianization without success and who has therefore decided to "convert" in place of the Christian faith.
would be nothing new either.
In Liguria, as in many other places, Christianity was ruthless with the pagan cults called . He tried to extirpate them sopressa blood, broke the idols. But this did not deter the people of Liguria.
It was decided then to justify their pilgrimages and pagan rituals related to the elements of nature simply by granting them the Christian connotations.
The "source megalithic" thus becomes the source of Madonna, the "up ritual of the mountain "was changed into a pilgrimage to the shrine - in the meantime built on the ruins of a cromlech - and so on. This allowed the missionaries to Christianize the heathen without transform their habits, very likely die hard.
not diverting pilgrimages and without having to advertise new places of worship, religious sites of the pagans were simply recycled .
Why not suppose then, that even the sacred woods of chestnut Ripalta has been converted chestnut Madonna?
The Marian apparitions were often a symbol of conversion and stories to this effect were widely ad hoc to do just that.
But not enough, because beside the chestnut of the miracle was built the church, which confirms that this place had to be so important for the spirituality of the Ligurian tribes of the area can not be simply converted but even colonized as a Christian shrine.
It touches on the place names.
The church is dedicated to the Savior of Ortara, however, this seems Ortara not be attributed to any specific location in the area, neither in Liguria. The name seems strange until you get to Lazio, where the famous Mount Ortara dominates the province of Frosinone or, albeit truncated to Lake Orta, in the territory once occupied by the Ligurian Levi and Marica. It would seem a good track, the latter, however, doing more research, it appears that the name given to Lake Orta is only since the seventeenth century.
Ortara This may also suggest a derivation from the Latin Hortus , meaning a garden or orchard, but around the church, there were no gardens or lawns, with only wood.
the latter case, the most striking is that Ortara metathesis is a linguistic Ostara, a pagan festival of spring celebrated linked to the Nordic goddess Eostre, well known to the Norse but also by Celts, as we recall, had a certain cultural influence in Liguria.
The celebration of Ostara has also been incorporated into Christianity as the other pagan holidays and now is our Passover. In Germany, even today, the term used for the Easter Oster and English Easter.
The same Easter Bunny is not a variant of the hare, his sacred animal to the goddess. The hare, in almost all cultures of the world, is associated with the moon, fertility and rebirth, for which the deity Eostre, which in some representations is represented with the head of hare (4), is similar in many respects to Diana / Artemis and Venus / Aphrodite of the Greeks and Romans and the Ishtar / Babylonian Innanna.
The same pronunciation of the name Ishtar, in fact, does not differ that much from Easter.
Well, a goddess Eostre is also tied to tree worship. In fact, the holiday dedicated to her is the vernal equinox, also called the Festival of Trees , which celebrates the return of nature from winter slumber and, on this occasion, pagan tribes used certain symbolic exchange colored eggs under the sacred tree of the village (5).
Why not assume a sacred tree to Eostre, revered and loved by local people, the missionaries Christianized without difficulty by simply exchanging the name of the pagan goddess with that of the Virgin?
The similarities between the two cults seem obvious.
The name "Ostara", remaining in the diction Liguria / Italy, derives directly from the Celtic name "Ostur Monath," to indicate just the spring equinox. If the wood in question had a value of importance in the celebration of Ostara, one can easily imagine how the name of the holiday has been transformed, little by little, in name. And, just as easily as you can imagine, almost two thousand years later, the monks have called the church just rebuilt the Savior of Ortara, perhaps as early as distorted, but, for them, simple local place name.
Nor is it to be excluded, moreover, that the church was built over an earlier temple dedicated to the goddess, demolished and reused as construction material, as was the custom of the missionaries of the time. Action, however, already appeared in various nearby sites: Mount Dragnone, also tied to a tree worship, for example.
The aura of sacredness that hovers around the site must therefore be made very powerful and very ancient religion by the sedimentation of most ages, and even today the elderly ripaltesi speak with great respect and admiration. Still survives, among them the belief that the baptismal font of the parish church of St. Nicholas comes precisely from the destroyed church Ortara and that there was, in substance, a dispute with the inhabitants of the nearby village of Cassana, as they also claimed ownership sacred vessels. It would eventually decided to appease the spirits, to let Providence decide directly to the bowl was loaded on a cart pulled by two oxen and, after being urged, they were to choose the way to go, deciding who would be awarded the scope object, and they chose the route of Ripalta. The curious thing is that even in Cassana tell the same story but the resolve in their favor, arguing that the famous baptismal font of Ortara is that found in their church, the parish church of San Michele. As noted rightly Formentini (7), this argument suggests that the territory once belonged to the church of Ortara could have included, in addition Ripalta Boccapignone and even Cassana, thus controlling a significant portion of the road, in both the EO that NS.
From this point of view, it would be possible to completely rethink the early history of Ripalta and mountains, also in relation to similar sites nearby. It may be, in fact, that the cult of chestnut Ripalta interested in only a small gated community or, rather - and more likely, given the position on an important road artery -, was a place of pilgrimage for the people of the surrounding valleys.
Currently, as we have said, the church no longer exists and it is not clear even the exact location, lost in the memory of the inhabitants, given the radical transformation of the last century.
The path, however, still exists, reinforced by the loggers to allow the passage of cars and tractors. Ground conditions, however, have discouraged attempts to archaeological excavation hypothesized some years ago and, for now, everything lies undisturbed somewhere under the ground.

(1) AA.VV., excavations in the castle of Celasco - preliminary report on the campaigns 1996/1999, Firenze, Edizioni full of Giglio, 2003
(2) FM Bussetti, G. Maura Costa, Sanctuaries of Liguria, Genoa, AGIS, 1980; M. Gamba, Marian Apparitions, Udine, Edizioni Segno, 1999
(3) I. Pucci, Cults nature of the Old Liguria, La Spezia, Luna Press, 1997
(4) A Celtic legend tells of how, one day, the goddess Eostre has turned a bird in hare and, to repay the loss of wings, has donated a great speed. The hare, however, once a year, in spring, has the right to bring even the eggs as he was a bird. (Richard Taraglio, The mistletoe and oak , Torino, Edizioni the Age of Aquarius, 2001)
(5) J. Frazer, The Golden Bough , Roma, Newton & Compton, 2003; A. Romanazzi, The Mother Goddess cult and the betili , Bari, Levante Editore, 2003
(6) Ubaldo Formentini Guide historical ethnography of the Val di Vara , Province of La Spezia, 1977

The village of Ripalta. In the background, the village of The Needle and the peak of Bracco

For our trip to the rediscovery of the ancient places of worship Ligurian was chosen as the starting point of the village Ripalta, tiny fraction isolated and almost unknown. This choice was dictated by the desire to make the reader understand that our past is not always far away, in the discoveries important and famous but also, importantly, surrounding us, just around the corner, made up of many micro-discoveries.
Local history should not be discriminated against because it too has made in recent years, great and important contributions to the history globale.Le various local stories intertwine to form a complex canvas that gives us an overview and allows us, as well, to put it in the general historical setting.
As for the story of the Madonna del Castagno Ortara, the pattern is the classic narrative of the legend, we will encounter often in this research and that is almost a topos , as regards the area of \u200b\u200bTuscany and Liguria. In many places, in fact, uses the narrative of the founding of a church after the discovery, in a site, often out of town, in the woods or in the countryside, an object of the Madonna (painting, sculpture or sacred furnishings ). Often said that such an object after being removed from the place of discovery and transferred the seat of worship of the community (village church, chapel or rectory), disappear and are later found in the original place. This fact is interpreted by villagers as the supernatural call of the Virgin to erect a shrine in his honor, which is soon done.
There are two interpretations we can give to these legends. The first, more simplistic (But no less likely) is that they were invented, beginning with a common narrative model to explain the existence of a sanctuary, having almost lost the historical motivation of overlap with an earlier pagan holy site, either However, it is possible that something has really been discovered at the site of the alleged apparition: statue-stele, betili, carved stones and tombs on the box (once believed to be objects of pagan worship), which led the local curia to build upon a church to Christianize the site. This hypothesis implies that the legends have been invented then ad hoc, to justify in the eyes of the villagers erection of the shrine.
In reality it is likely that both assumptions are plausible in some way and that, depending on the circumstances, there may be one or the other behavior.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

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News: Farewell to Tiziano Mannoni

It 'disappeared a few days ago, unexpectedly, the great archaeologist Genoese Tiziano Mannoni Tiziano Mannoni-archaeologist-elaborate architecture

LCSSCL shares the grief of the whole archaeological world for the loss of one of its founders, whose contributions to the knowledge of the past remain the cornerstones in we and future generations we must always pay tribute.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

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Update on breastfeeding

E 'release Medela International Update the 2010 updates containing the most important international scientific nutrition with milk. Texts in English. E 'sitribuito free from Medela in Italy all the Italian hospitals, and pediatric services to the operators concerned and ask All photos: Paola Pask

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

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International Photo Exhibition World Breastfeeding Week 2010 Biella

Photo exhibition on motherhood at the SAM: "A precious commodity" on display at the Palazzo della Provincia di Biella 1 to October 7, 2010

Monday, October 18, 2010

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Resources Google Earth (TM)

we publish, for public use, some resources you can use with Google Earth geographical software, which may find application in the field of historical research, archaeological and ethnographic.

- LaSpeziaMilitare.kml : location of key military posts of the world wars and the period immediately preceding

- PuntiFiducialiMS.kml : complete localization of the fiducial points of the province of Massa Carrara. Particularly useful in creating itineraries and location of sites outside the urban centers.

- ToponimiFivizzano.kml : localization of many of the City of microtoponimi Fivizzano (SIRA ARPAT Tuscany)

- ToponimiBagnone.kml : localization of many of the City of microtoponimi Bagnone (SIRA ARPAT Tuscany)

- ToponimiZeri.kml : localization of many microtoponimi of the municipality of Zeri (Tuscany ARPAT SIRA)

microtoponimi Lunigiana Many others are at the SIRA database, at

also add Points Trustees of the Province of La Spezia, unfortunately not in. kml, read directly from Google Earth, but in. taf, which you can still copy the coordinates of various points and transferred easily on Google Earth. Download SPEZIA.taf

Clicking on links will open directly on the file. Kml that automatically launch the Google Earth ™. At the close of the program, through the appropriate dialog box, you can choose whether to save the file in its "Places".
To download the free Google Earth ™, please visit

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

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Places to save: the alpine villages of Zerasca

alpine villages of Zerasca

The territory of Zeri, due to its geographical position which has isolated for centuries from the rest of the Lunigiana, as well as the absence of prominent landmarks such as castles, towers and fortified villages, is always been one of the least known to tourists. This is a very mountainous territory, often impenetrable, whose population has always worked hard to get the difficult living from cultivating the land and, above all, by raising. It is therefore an area rich in ethnographic evidence and material culture.
precisely within this context we can place the need to maintain three interesting location of the Apennines: Formentera, and Porcilecchio Gurfuglieta. These names refer to three ancient human settlements are located around 900 meters above sea level, on the slopes of Mount Spiaggi (1554 m), a short distance from the Pass of the Two Saints and the infamous resort of Zum Zeri.
This Alpine villages or settlements built by people devoted to pasture, populated only during the summer when the herds were brought to the cool mountain pastures, after being fed throughout the winter in most of the fields located down at the villages.
In late spring, when frost was over now, people (adults and adolescents) from the villages of Walnut and Patigno, they walked up the steep paths alp with their animals (sheep and goats), with the intention to spend the whole summer, returning from their families only at the beginning of autumn. This traditional transhumance has necessitated the building of solid and reliable shelter, where shelter their flocks at night or in bad weather and where to place a bed and the few indispensable, furniture for everyday life.
likely, given that this tradition lasted, probably, from the early history, antiquities in the shelters were built with the wood of many forests and, given the lack of resistance to the inclemency of winter, had to be rebuilt every year. It is also possible that this type of camp, at least initially, was not stable, but was prepared each year in different areas.
Later, with the refinement of technology and with the increase of families, villages were built in stone, whose benefits are obvious. Each family had its possession, consisting of a "Cassina", ie a hut of stone and any outbuildings (a well, a bakery, a barn, a woodshed, etc..) Together with a piece of land to pasture.
Although the first written documents that remain date from the early '500 (any previous document is gone burned in the fire in the Pontremoli 1495), the birth of the villages could be located, perhaps as early as the late Middle Ages. Instead, the existing plant of the villages could be dated roughly to the seventeenth or eighteenth century, with many relevant interventions made during the nineteenth century.
The architecture of these settlements can give us an idea of \u200b\u200bskill building of the peasant population of the time. In the villages, in fact, one can see gigantic doorways, corners more proof plumb, windows elegant stone retaining walls to dry, covered pits, wood stoves, stairways and paved mule tracks. Formentera In addition, we see the rich water system, consisting of several fountains (we have identified at least seven) located in various parts of the settlement, and made easily accessible to channel water from a stream. Also in Formentera, the largest of three villages, there is even a chapel dedicated to St. Bartholomew and constructed according to the inscription on the facade side, in 1776.
Formentera consists of about thirty buildings, separated by carugi gutters and rainwater and, at the top, there are some farmyards paved with sandstone, which served as a "square", a place where they carried out all social activities and group exhibitions, including the most anticipated was the summer festival of St. Bartholomew, at in which the wives and girls of the villages went up to the pasture with all kinds of goodies, ate and danced around the fire all night. Porcilecchio Gurfuglieta and, instead, are made up of scattered farms and did not have an internal road network, as in Formentera. There are however a number of wells, troughs for cattle, paved paths and portals monolithic. There are also other smaller clusters, as Collaracci, not far from Porcilecchio, and others who are not even marked on maps. Finally, we report the presence of the house called "Piagnaro, often linked to the name of the quarry stone used to make lamented, that is typical of sandstone slabs that covered the roofs of farms. In all likelihood, the weeping of Formentera and the neighboring settlements come from there.
The villages are gradually fallen into disuse since the early '50s, when the economic boom el'espandersi of cities has led young people to leave their native villages and their traditions, and to fit in the factories and jobs required by a technocratic capitalist economy expanding rapidly.
Currently, settlements are in a bad condition. Gurfuglieta is near total annihilation, standing only a few crumbling walls, and some portal somewhere to farm more robust others. Porcilecchio is in slightly better conditions, but the forest is swallowing him completely and the walls are torn by the mighty tree roots. Formentera is certainly the best preserved village, but the majority of the buildings is unsafe or close to collapse. The roofs are smashed, completely rotting wooden floors, the walls are seriously "spanciature and structural cracks. Only the stone frames of windows and doors have remained more or less intact, along with some corner that lies straight and healthy. The water goes everywhere and the moss, ferns and tree roots make it way through the stones and weep . The logs used to build roofs despite having endured several decades of snow and neglect, rotting and collapsing under the weight of the stone roofs.
A true treasure of material culture is crumbling before our eyes, and suddenly action is required if you want to save it. In the past there have been proposals for revaluation, however, nothing has been completed.
intervention course of recovery, including only structural, at this point would require a large amount of expenditure, not to mention the creation of informative panels, museum or exhibition space and the safety and maintenance of the municipal road.
The best destination profile that you can think of for these sites is "eco-museum" or "outdoor museum", a space in which to recreate and illustrate the pastoral life and activities related to it, primarily transhumance, then the art of cheese, crafts, medicine People and rituals, architecture and cuisine.
But all this is secondary, is a dream that can not be achieved unless and until such action is taken to preserve that which still stand up. The expenditure for rehabilitation will certainly be high, but we want to let this go to ruin a legacy of our history and our culture? Where is the EU? Where are the Superintendence Cultural Heritage and public bodies? A couple of signs, one at the entrance of the village and another near the oratory are already a good thing, but not enough. In fact, the signs will be in five years, but will indicate only a heap of rubble that collapsed into the valley.

courtyard paved with Cassina (Formentera)

roof weeps well preserved (Formentera)

Formentera, landscape

Stradello homes to Formentera

Oratorio di San Bartolomeo, 1776 (Formentera)

Cassina isolated (Formentera)

Formentera, the village in the woods

To download the coordinates of Google Earth ™, click here
Coordinates Google Earth ™
To allow users of site easily and accurately locate the places described in our texts, we provide the satellite coordinates.
These coordinates should be used within the well-known Google Earth ™ software, which lets you view satellite photos of the entire planet.
We believe that this software is completely free, is an excellent tool for location, because it also provides maps, place names and media of all kinds.

the link will open the file directly. Kml that automatically launch the Google Earth ™. At the close of the program, through the appropriate dialog box, you can choose whether to save the file in its "Places".
To download the free Google Earth ™, please visit

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Review: "The key to Brebo"

Bassoli Giorgio and Giuseppe Danilo Vallarino, The key of Brebo , Genova, Libropiù Publishing, 2008

the wake of a number of publications dedicated to the nostalgic memory of our country, traditions and folklore materials, the authors We open the doors to a hinterland of Genoa that seems to be unrelated to the passage of time as we know in town. The Brebo is a small valley behind the mountains, a parallel reality, esostorica no contact with the modern world, of which the authors show us the delicate and moving images: a world of details, stones and leaves, streets , windows, perfumes rural and sun.
A book of poetry and also made of words, sometimes with emotion and sometimes pain silent for a world that is not there, that becomes every day more subtle. Excites us and makes us smile with the colors of the mountains and the familiar faces of the elderly, but also confronts us with a problem and with it a responsibility. The world of Brebo, which opens only with the special magic key, that is with a new mindset and a renewed interest in rediscovering it, is a fragile world, poised between reality and oblivion, which can not survive only through memories, but that needs a new lifeblood of people who see it and who wants to revive it. And perhaps today there is a chance that this happens, that those who flee from the cities in search of a roaring little 'peace collect the crumbs one by one until the door of Brebo and who can find, among many, the key to enter.
A book to be savored, to browse quietly, to observe. A great work of memory and art of poetry.

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Review: "Ciappe, Beuda and storks"

Anna Maria Castellano, Ciappe, and storks Beuda ,
Genoa, De Ferrari, 2010

For some years now, in Liguria is awakening a sincere interest in the rural landscape and its conservation is necessary, which would require a large amount of important work, carried out in a timely manner . Of course, the funds available for the Protection of works and rural, that in many areas of Liguria are identified directly with the landscape (for which we speak of "human landscape"), are what they are and the regional and national policies have focused on other goals, perhaps more lucrative, such as subways, water gardens and facilities of dubious value, which undertake construction labor and equipment for several years. Fortunately, thanks to interest young people, who are partly reversing the trend of rural exodus began after the war, more people and institutions dedicated to preserving, if not at least documentary material, works in rural areas.
is in this context is part of Anna Maria Castellano, environmentalist and keen observer of the natural landscape and man who, having thoroughly explored the Tigullio, it documents the impressive works of art without an author " , which constitute the historical and rural heritage of the region and are left to wear elements, or worse, restructuring irrational and without taste or respect.
With a remarkable affability almost family, along with a brilliant skill, the author takes us back in time, in a world of simple values, ingenuity and strength, which testify not only proven historical attitudes of the Ligurian gens, but also the existence of humanity, except that we know of humanity in which the wit of the mind and the power of the muscles were able to build great buildings that, without armor or cement, have survived more or less intact nearly a century of degradation.
The wide range of photographs by young Marta Zuniga resumes with watchful eye and touched the hidden beauty of both architectural and agricultural (one on all the splendid wooden eaves, photographed at Camp Ne), is the troubling lack of respect for the modern renovations or complete surrender and absolute oblivion where buildings are left, and trails groups. Symbols of this world are in danger of extinction just the architectural features unique to this area, which give title to the work: the ciappe, the Beuda and storks (to discover what they are, you should buy the book!)
We hope soon to see other volumes of this type, perhaps by the same author and, above all, we hope that these initiatives will shake a little more sensitive souls and that we can quickly move from words to deeds.

Monday, October 11, 2010

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Review: "The Owl and the Moon"

Orazio Olivieri, The Owl and the Moon , Batesville, Mori Editore, 2004

The Statue Stele of the Val di Magra are, almost two centuries, always in the spotlight and the subject of continuing interest, by both insiders and by outsiders. Each new discovery is seen as an event and, as such, receives a good advertising media, which increasingly feeds the curiosity of the crowds and, occasionally, even some scholars!
We say so because, in fact, it is the part of professionals that is a disconcerting silence that has lasted for some years and, in addition to fanciful speculations popular that you can count on several particular blogs and websites, there seems to be a total stagnation in the interpretation of the meaning of the stone statues. The last really significant contribution, in fact, dates back to 1990 when it was published an interesting summary in two volumes of Romulus Formentini, which exposes you some of his theories, the result of years of research in this field, who were literally colophony for the cautious and uncertain academic landscape of the time. The result was indeed that, despite formal presentations at the European level, the Formentini received only a weak solidarity by a professor from Eastern Europe, with whom he had collaborated. For the rest, only silence and fear that this silence would last forever.
Fortunately, however, Mori Aulla publisher has published an original study by Orazio Olivieri, entitled The Owl and the Moon, in which the author presents his own interpretation to the phenomenon of stone statues, including them as a must in the wide panorama of European statuary and votive finding meaningful connections that strengthen his argument.
With great humility and with a capacity of narrative, the author takes us through the Old Europe, through the cults incredibly similar to each other in a primitive owl-goddess, which later give rise to well over Notes Mediterranean deities such as Athena / Minerva, Tanit, Astarte, Ishtar / Innanna. The competent and attractive full-page illustrations by Maria Pia Binazzi allow us to see, to touch with hand the similarities and differences between the European stone statues, a journey lasting more than three millennia, whose guidelines are always the owl and the moon.
The owl and the moon, linked together by a magical link as well as natural (and, at times, because natural magic), are symbols that are even dark hints on the statues stele, in the case stylized face said just "a flirt" stele of group A and in the crescent shape of the stele group B, those commonly called "policeman's hat."
may therefore be that an ancient cult the owl and the moon has arrived in Lunigiana, after crossing the Mediterranean and have fascinated many people? Orazio Olivieri does not claim to be certain that, to date, no one could give, but is content to propose a hypothesis, now well aware of the impossibility to prove it though, not for this, not sure of his goodness. Olivieri's interpretation, in fact, it seems plausible and charming, importantly, seems to fit nicely with the hypothesis, albeit different, now that the Formentini formulated twenty years ago. Perhaps, as they say, the truth lies somewhere in between.

Pedal Edema More Condition_symptoms

Places To save: Weapon Manie

The Cave of the Force, the Plateau Manie (Savona)

open letter to the Editor of the Secolo XIX
sent on 10/05/2010
Dear Sir,
I am writing to report to you and to all the Ligurian, together with the institutions, the emergency situation in which there is a site of fundamental historical and cultural interest for our region. Why
one of the treasures of Liguria is in danger. A
site of enormous interest from the standpoint of natural-geologic, scenic, archaeological and material culture, which should be preserved and made it easier for public use, alleges in a serious state of neglect and decay. It is not an unfamiliar place, lost in the woods and difficult to reach, but the note Cave of the Force, on the plateau of Manias, the hinterland of Finale (SV).
This is a large shelter of limestone and tuff, located about 250 meters above sea level and surrounded by lush vegetation. The cave, until the '50s that was used by local farmers as shelter for sheep and goats, has been the subject of study and excavation since 1964 under the direction of the Archaeological Superintendence of Liguria. Were found fragments of stone tools and traces of hearths, as well as animal bone fragments, in layers dating from the Middle and Upper Paleolithic, suggesting that the weapon was only used as temporary shelter, probably due to the migration of herds. All
finds unearthed were placed in caskets of the Archaeological Museum of Villa Durazzo Pallavicini in Genoa, or in the Archaeological Museum of Finale, Finale Ligure, and the excavation of the Superintendent are still open .
The Cave of the Force, however, is not only home to the area of \u200b\u200barchaeological excavation, but also some interesting findings from the material culture of the area. There are in fact three mills to blood for the processing of olives, wonderfully made of local stone, complete with grinders and presses, most probably dating to the nineteenth century (one within the one room of the cave). Also you can see the stone walls made of tufa stone, complete with a popular but valuable portals bill, intended to demarcate the various premises for the production of oil and subsequently used for housing sheep and goats. Finds smaller but equally fascinating are some wooden wagons, probably used for the transport of olives and olive oil and a wooden structure that will do the shoeing of horses or donkeys that had to pull them.
Unfortunately, at present, all the structures and artifacts found in the cave are in bad condition, potentially critical, because of total neglect which exposes them to action of weather and vandalism. The three mills, although complete, are all broken or dismantled and the pieces scattered everywhere, some even re-used on site as construction material, of the three or four presses that should exist a time, only one survives intact, while the other remains the basis of stone, broken or uprooted, and some wooden parts, throw in some corner or re-used, the dry stone walls are partially collapsed or unsafe and the portals are not made safe Indeed, one of which is propped up on one side with wooden poles belonging to one of three mills, electrical wires hanging from everywhere, even from the striking natural opening that is at the center of the vault of the Force, some outlets " sealed "with a simple tape lying dangerously microcars in caves where water drips, the short access ramp to the only room of the cave has been reworked in a bad way, using materials and techniques appropriate to the absolutely non-historical and natural, while the chamber is completely devoid of light, while being open and accessible, and the mill that is inside is ruined and full of waste paper and plastic and, lastly, the metal fence that protects the archaeological dig is ugly, old, and has been chosen and installed with little criteria respectful of the environment. Not to mention that currently do not need anything anyway, because the wall was breached below so wide as to permit the passage of an adult.
To all this we must add the total lack information panels on site and complete absence of even the most dedicated road signs! And remember that the automobile accessibility is excellent, with a large and healthy way to detour, about 2 km from the cave, where the paved surface shrinks a bit 'and becomes slightly uneven in some places. Yet neither in Finale, or to Noli or neighboring countries is a sign that signals the Cave action!
If there will be timely redevelopment, although minimal, the damage could become irreversible and thus prevent the local population and tourists to enjoy a unique appeal, which perfectly combined nature and human labor.
If the municipalities and local authorities can not afford to draw on its resources for the redevelopment of the Cave of the Force, you must create an association in the consortium combination of public-private collect necessary funds. Also, can and should be requested funding (including grants) to the European Community, whose interest is, among others, to protect and enhance the cultural heritage of the Member States.
A Consortium for the Redevelopment and maintenance of the Carabinieri Cave "could simply be made by the municipality of Finale Ligure, in the mountain community which is responsible for the area concerned, the Province of Savona, Region Liguria, the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage of Liguria and all those people , physical or legal, who would like to contribute to the fundraiser. You should first consult the tourist offices and local businesses operating in this sector, together with the banks to and all associations or companies that target the promotion and safeguarding of cultural heritage, natural and historical and artistic.
A comprehensive redevelopment plan could be summarized as follows:
- Accommodation and securing of the building works
- in securing natural openings through special railings
- creating a safe and adequate lighting
- removing and / or replacement of unsightly materials and / or potentially harmful
- recovery and appreciation of works relating to material culture
- creating and installing educational panels and possible urban
- restore road signs dedicated
spending probably necessary for the implementation of such operations can not be considered excessive, taking into account the economic return given by tourists that the should re-draw.
course, there would be the minimum cost of maintenance and control, which could still be cleared if it resorted to the work free of one or more of the many voluntary associations, whose zealous commitment to social pride in our region.
What however can not be absent from the institutions and the genuine interest that the situation of neglect and degradation of the Cave dell'Arma be resolved as soon as possible and, therefore, that the site back to be fully operational by the public and enjoyable in all its many and important ways.
Thanking you for your time and hoping that this open letter is published, even partially, in the newspaper that she directs, I extend my best regards.
Jonathan Ferroni (
Free Study Centre and Discovery Civilization Ligure

PS This was sent, for information, including the City of Finale Ligure, in the Province of Savona and the Liguria Region, as well as the mountain community west of Savona and the Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage Liguria.

Note: as of today, October 10, 2010, none of the agencies contacted had the courtesy to respond, even in a formal way.

Cave dell'Arma

Inside View

Frantoio destroyed and broken wall

Frantoio in serious degradation

The area of archaeological excavation

An old wagon and the ugly fence

Degradation internal

Jumping Jack Trailers

Places to save: the monumental stairs of the Cinque Terre

The monumental stairs of the Cinque Terre

on the eastern coast of Liguria, between Riomaggiore and Portovenere, there are forgotten villages, landscapes and unknown routes lost. The abandonment of these lands by the natives, no longer inclined to the hard farm life requires that this landscape has led to a rapid deterioration of all those works that characterize human, prehistoric times, this particular environment.
The terraces, which once covered the mountain slopes of the coast almost to sea level, are now crumbling irretrievably or be swallowed up by vegetation. Among these ancient stone walls, where the strong Ligurian low vineyards and olive trees have grown since time immemorial, winding paths, just as ancient, linking the villages with fields and the "cellar". These are but small stone buildings near the fields where they worked the grapes directly without having to carry up in the village, several kilometers away.
There are real villages made of these wineries: Monesteroli, lighten, Persian, Lemmen, Fossola and Sunsets.
These sites, located further down the country, close to sea level, can be reached today as a thousand years ago, via steep stairs monuments built by man with huge and heavy square stones, carried on his shoulder and laid by hand on steep coast, teetering on the abyss.
has recently been suggested that the first application of these scales dating back to prehistoric times, it was kind of megalith.
Until a few decades ago the coastal wineries were popular, and especially during the harvest, the old stairs and terraces of the Cinque Terre is alive with people (young and old) that tramandatigli repeating the actions of their fathers, brought forward an old tradition.
In recent years, however, there was a drastic abandonment of local agriculture, resulting in damage to natural and scenic coast. The terraces are disappearing quickly and the megalithic same scales, without proper maintenance, are inexorably eroding and crumbling into the sea.
Park of Cinque Terre is on alert since 2005 for this reason and are trying to promote local agriculture and the return is looking for funds to repair the ancient terraces and staircases.

Steps towards Monesteroli
nearly vertical stairway
The vineyards of the Cinque Terre

Tadalafil Tablets In India

Places to save: the ancient Via Acqua di Genova

Ancient Via Water (Genova)

The so-called " Water Street is a wonderful natural historical path of Genoa that, through forgotten villages, mills, furnaces, forests and mountain slopes, winds over 50 km in the municipality of the capital.
The route follows the main course of the aqueduct of ancient Genoa, designed even in Roman times, from La Presa, in the town of Bargo, to the Old Port of Genoa, and passing Molassana Staglieno, with evocative passages and unknown.
The trail consists of a regular pavement, beneath which lurks a channel - that now-dry, the mountains, carrying water to the city center. All historical information and details on the course (although not updated) are found in the book "The Way of Water" by P. String, published by SAGEP in 1980, or the great site:

Unfortunately, the path is in a serious state of disrepair, many of the slabs that pave the way are broken, cracked or missing, leaving dangerous holes under it, which, inter alia, it accumulates dirt. There are no signs or information boards that are, however, very useful and enjoyable route. In addition, several sections of the trail have slid or wrapped in vegetation. It 's a pity that a journey of historic interest so large (from Roman times to 800) and scenic beauty that is left to decay. Some projects for the redevelopment were announced but, unfortunately, never implemented.

The typical paved

stretch of at Staglieno

Other slabs destroyed

nozzle overflow

A slab missing

Bridge over a creek