Monday, October 18, 2010

Pokemon Online For Computer

Resources Google Earth (TM)

we publish, for public use, some resources you can use with Google Earth geographical software, which may find application in the field of historical research, archaeological and ethnographic.

- LaSpeziaMilitare.kml : location of key military posts of the world wars and the period immediately preceding

- PuntiFiducialiMS.kml : complete localization of the fiducial points of the province of Massa Carrara. Particularly useful in creating itineraries and location of sites outside the urban centers.

- ToponimiFivizzano.kml : localization of many of the City of microtoponimi Fivizzano (SIRA ARPAT Tuscany)

- ToponimiBagnone.kml : localization of many of the City of microtoponimi Bagnone (SIRA ARPAT Tuscany)

- ToponimiZeri.kml : localization of many microtoponimi of the municipality of Zeri (Tuscany ARPAT SIRA)

microtoponimi Lunigiana Many others are at the SIRA database, at

also add Points Trustees of the Province of La Spezia, unfortunately not in. kml, read directly from Google Earth, but in. taf, which you can still copy the coordinates of various points and transferred easily on Google Earth. Download SPEZIA.taf

Clicking on links will open directly on the file. Kml that automatically launch the Google Earth ™. At the close of the program, through the appropriate dialog box, you can choose whether to save the file in its "Places".
To download the free Google Earth ™, please visit


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