Review: "Ciappe, Beuda and storks" Anna Maria Castellano, Ciappe, and storks Beuda ,
Genoa, De Ferrari, 2010
For some years now, in Liguria is awakening a sincere interest in the rural landscape and its conservation is necessary, which would require a large amount of important work, carried out in a timely manner . Of course, the funds available for the Protection of works and rural, that in many areas of Liguria are identified directly with the landscape (for which we speak of "human landscape"), are what they are and the regional and national policies have focused on other goals, perhaps more lucrative, such as subways, water gardens and facilities of dubious value, which undertake construction labor and equipment for several years. Fortunately, thanks to interest young people, who are partly reversing the trend of rural exodus began after the war, more people and institutions dedicated to preserving, if not at least documentary material, works in rural areas.
is in this context is part of Anna Maria Castellano, environmentalist and keen observer of the natural landscape and man who, having thoroughly explored the Tigullio, it documents the impressive works of art without an author " , which constitute the historical and rural heritage of the region and are left to wear elements, or worse, restructuring irrational and without taste or respect.
With a remarkable affability almost family, along with a brilliant skill, the author takes us back in time, in a world of simple values, ingenuity and strength, which testify not only proven historical attitudes of the Ligurian gens, but also the existence of humanity, except that we know of humanity in which the wit of the mind and the power of the muscles were able to build great buildings that, without armor or cement, have survived more or less intact nearly a century of degradation.
The wide range of photographs by young Marta Zuniga resumes with watchful eye and touched the hidden beauty of both architectural and agricultural (one on all the splendid wooden eaves, photographed at Camp Ne), is the troubling lack of respect for the modern renovations or complete surrender and absolute oblivion where buildings are left, and trails groups. Symbols of this world are in danger of extinction just the architectural features unique to this area, which give title to the work: the ciappe, the Beuda and storks (to discover what they are, you should buy the book!)
We hope soon to see other volumes of this type, perhaps by the same author and, above all, we hope that these initiatives will shake a little more sensitive souls and that we can quickly move from words to deeds.
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