Thursday, November 4, 2010

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two routes: the ' Former railroad routes Levanto-Bonassola

Levanto After a route in the Middle Ages, we have proposed in previous posts, we suggest to the curious tourist and attentive to this short and pleasant walk that, by tracing the historical route of the former railway, leading from Levanto Bonassola. The start is in
Vallesanta location, not far from the main car park of the town, at the former station, now the seat of civil protection. Here, in the far west of the Bay of Levanto, just above the beach, is the first gallery, which is reached by a modern urban intervention, the so-called waterfront ; building which, being inserted overall size of the former roadbed station, offers a promenade with benches and fragrant flower beds, along with other real estate projects of dubious value. We
start by saying that the railway route in question is part of the wider route Sestri Levante-Monterosso, because of management problems linked to the extreme proximity to the sea was closed to rail traffic in the early '70s, replaced by ' current system, most modern and interior to the coast. The creation of this is as far back as the 60 800 and was officially inaugurated in 1874. The work is huge, if we think at the time when it was made and today, almost a hundred and fifty years from creation, is preserved almost intact. The galleries in this case were dug entirely by hand, with only use of explosives and the extracted material was milled locally and used for the installation of all necessary building structures.
The walk from Levanto to Bonassola, absolutely prohibited to motor vehicles and dedicated to pedestrians and cyclists, was inaugurated in March this year, after a couple of years of work of consolidation and safety of some parties. This is a truly excellent job, considering that in some places erosion had been such as to totally destroy the road. The dropped points were reconstructed with expertise, consolidated walls, tunnels reinforced where necessary, made safe and lit and, where the route is open, was installed in a sturdy metal railings.
The route, approximately 3 km long, passes through the coils of the cliff and Levanto sunny alternate sections in the open, where you can enjoy the beauty of an almost untouched part of the coast that has never known mass tourism, sometimes too long in the tunnel.
Vallesanta The first gallery, very quick, makes you an idea of \u200b\u200bthe remarkable nineteenth-century architecture that will accompany the entire route, with arches made of local stone and brick in a workmanlike manner. Before entering to the right of the gallery, there is a crossing keeper, now a private residence. After the second tunnel, a large outdoor section, bordered by the wall of the rail, can breathe a breath of sea air and enjoy the warmth of the sun. On the left, a beach frequented by backpackers in the fall offers a pleasant surf. Below the water, numerous caves and ravines open, revealing to those who love diving a colorful and amazing biodiversity.
The third tunnel is short and leads, after a few tens of meters from the entrance to an artificial opening connected to the next tunnel, covered with a very unique time in brick and supported by the high ridge, which was cleverly reinforced to maintain its appearance. This is a point where the ridge meets the sea, by the strength of its waves salted, had seriously affected the strength. At this point you can admire the impressive virtuosity builders that make this railway line, most notably the shoulders of sandstone above the time, the mouths of the two tunnels and access to a lineup, now lost but which existed until a few years ago, to access above the ceiling, so steep that it seemed to defy gravity. In addition, you can admire the architectural details of the tunnels, the use of two different materials, the blocks of coil up to two meters off the ground and then the bricks for the vault and the many niches of service for maintenance technicians. Here and there you see some railway signals made with black and white tiles and other bearing a number. At exactly half the time of the galleries, you may notice the black stripe left by the soot from the steam locomotives, which first crossed the railway. Continuing
, take the fourth tunnel, rather long, coming in sight of the resort "The Francesca" Bonassola. This was the most seriously damaged. Until the restructuring, in fact, the road had been completely eroded by the sea for several meters el'imboccatura the tunnel had collapsed. Now, however, the ridge was Fully restored, the waste water of the mountain above was channeled in two places and was created a wide open space. The tunnel entrance was rebuilt in concrete blocks covered with serpentine and was saved and restored (just outside) the box that was there. Although the interior is completely destroyed, you can still see the seat of the fire, the ground floor and the chimney still blackened. Also note the ingenious architecture of a lineup that allowed the inspection of the high wall of the mountain, the true test of strength is the end of construction, since any substantial rain water exerts considerable pressure on it.
At this point we enter the fifth and final gallery, the longest, which leads directly to Bonassola. This tunnel curves slightly inward, so halfway you can not see either the entry or exit, as in all others. Lighting reassure them, and after passing a stretch where the gallery takes on a strange shape, reinforced with steel keys and subject to a heavy water infiltration, the time is growing, and doubled in a second exit in Bonassola offering the vision of its refreshing and tranquil bay, at the opposite end of this, the lovely church of Santa Rosalia.
On nearby rocks, a German bunker relic of the war. Right, still great arches of the ridge, rusty iron due to infiltration.
A relaxing, just right for all, including disabled people, which allows you to enjoy some stretches of coastline and little known to live again, at least in part, a fragment of recent history that certainly deserves to be deepened, perhaps even with some panel teaching to illustrate the little-known story of the first rail journeys in Liguria.

Levanto, the Waterfront

entrance of the first gallery

Interior of the third tunnel

An outdoor section

Opening time between two tunnels

Spallina sandstone and entry to the lineup now destroyed

The ballast completely rebuilt and the toll

tunnel entrance last

Bay Bonassola


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