Luciano Rosselli, Aqueduct of Genoa, 2009, Nuova Editrice Genovese
many Genoese know where it comes from the water that flows from their taps? Those who realize how much talent it took to design the water supply system of the city? How many know the story? Surely
Luciano Rosselli knows very well.
But knowing is not enough, we must also know how to describe and explain the technical aspects, showing the projects and the remains, leaving space and why not - even at that feeling of nostalgia for the good things of the past, which features the highly popular culture Genoa. Again, this certainly does not lack Rosselli.
"The Aqueduct of Genoa is the unique record of a search titan, is made between the dust of the archives, including many documents of the past, both on the field, covering every single meter of the ancient aqueduct Valley Bisagno, to discover the secrets of the specific features and beauty. The documentation is very thorough and complete, and there is no aspect of the aqueduct that is not touched: it starts from the history, architecture and switching hydraulic technique, to reach all'escursionistica.
Through the rich photographic color, you can appreciate the many architectural virtuosity that were used, since the seventeenth century, to improve the structure of the aqueduct, which was first built, Roman dates back to the first century BC Among
canal-, siphon-bridges, tunnels and cobbled paths, the author delves into the innermost loop of hydraulic lines, tracking with an expert eye to the succession of tracks over time, comparing them with the documents projects that preserve historical and non-produced, explaining the operation of the equipment and the telling human stories that relate to this incredible work.
And, as always, Genoa surprising, fascinating, surprising. Because the solutions adopted for this aqueduct are something unique, a typically Genoese ingeniously of Genoa. And Rosselli, camera strap, explores the infrastructure, even the most inaccessible, like a new Indiana Jones, to restore the image and allow even the less adventurous to observe and understand the work of man.
interesting is the technical and historical maps, complete with references and tables that have the power to set out clearly in the data memory. Really very welcome addition, the complete hiking guide, which features excellent references for a pleasant and scenic walks in the name of urban history. Complemented by a very complete chronological table that summarizes the last thousand years (!) History of the aqueduct.
The book presents in a form publishing very accurate and correct, both from the formal point of view from that of consultability, that you fully enjoy the pictures thanks to an excellent layout and generous size. The book is written in a competent but not pedantic, but technically smooth and exciting, with a spirit at the same time serious research and urban adventure, and can undoubtedly be counted among the best volumes of industrial architecture currently in circulation, no fan History Genovese Ligurian or ought to exhibit in their library.
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